Signature mail avec Mail sur Mac OS X


  • Open Mail
  • Click on Mail/Preferences
  • Click on Signature tab
  • Cilck on « + » to create a new signature
  • Just input Test


  • Copy the source code of your signature, directly from the eMsg application, or from the email you received, by right-clicking in the browser and choose « View the selection source »
  • Go to ~/Library/Mail/V4/MailData/Signatures directory
  • Look for the signature you just created with Test text by looking on the most recent date file
  • Select the file and display its properties. It is currently locked
  • Unlock the file
  • Open the file and remove everything from the body tag to the end of the file
  • You just have the following for the moment:

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Content-Type: text/html;


Message-Id: <>

Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 10.3 (3273))

  • Just paste the text of your signature
  • Save and quit the editor
  • Lock the file again

Create a new mail and choose the corresponding signature, it should appear with bells and whistles!!!